Bengaluru police have arrested a 29-year-old data engineer from Andhra Pradesh for allegedly trying to open the emergency door of an international airplane, reported The Times of India.
As per details, the incident took place on 15 July in a Paris Bengaluru flight and after landing in Bengaluru he was taken into custody.
The man was identified as Venkat Mohit and he was traveling to Bengaluru from Paris on an Air France flight to visit his aunt. The accused tried to open the emergency door which is not meant to be used during normal times.
When the flight landed in Bengaluru, an employee of Air France registered a complaint to the airport authorities, alleging that he endangered the safety of passengers by trying to open the door. On July 16, the police arrested him and he is currently out on bail.
Report said Mohit sought to check the arming and disarming functions of the road which led him to attempt the unsafe act. Bengaluru airport’s police have registered an FIR after they received the complaint.
According to the report, the man was identified as Venkat Mohit and he was travelling to Bengaluru from Paris through an Air France flight to visit his aunt. Mohit tried to open the emergency door which is not meant to be used during normal times. Soon after landing in Bengaluru, an employee of Air France registered a complaint to the airport authorities, alleging that he endangered the safety of passengers by trying to open the door. The police arrested him on July 16 and he is currently out on bail.
The report also suggested that Mohit wanted to check the arming and disarming functions of the road which led him to attempt the unsafe act. Bengaluru airport’s police have registered an FIR after they received the complaint.
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