Bengaluru bus driver was issued a challan, or a fine, by the Bengaluru traffic police for taking an incorrect turn. But this narrative got elevated from its banality when a picture of the challan being issued was posted on microblogging site Twitter and netizens had a field day with it.

It is no secret that nothing escapes the meme-hunters of the internet world. Irrespective of the social media platform, netizens have always found a way to extract comic relief from an otherwise mundane narrative.

The Bengaluru bus driver being issued a challan did not escape the hawkish eyes of the netizens either.

But first a little about the picture.

A Bengaluru school bus driver took a wrong U-turn on a busy road near the Garudacharpalya metro station in Bengaluru. This was pointed out by a Twitter user. A Twitter user with the handle "FixBangalorePls" shared a video of the bus taking the wrong turn.

"@ChrysalisHigh Your school bus full of students is driving down wrong way under Garudacharpalya metro station from Brigade Metropolis. Bus number KA53AA6189 . @blrcitytraffic please impose severe fine, being school bus and endangering life of so many kids is not done," the user wrote.

The Twitter user followed their tweet with another, this time sharing a video of the bus taking a dangerously sharp U-turn again. "This is today, despite the complain, the same bus. what action is taken?" they wrote in the caption.

As is the norm, the bus driver was issued a fine for not following the traffic rules in a city rued with traffic woes.

However, this time the Bengaluru traffic police shared a picture of them implementing a punitive action on the bus driver. "Fined Bus driver," the Mahadevapura Traffic Department tweeted.

“Thanks a lot for the quick action, I hope this deters him from putting kids lives at risk going ahead" said the Twitter user "FixBangalorePls". Since being posted, the picture has garnered more than 228,000 views and nearly 200 likes.

However, the photo with the bus driver holding the fine receipt and the police officer standing next to him consequently sparked a flurry of hilarious reactions from Twitter users. Several people jokingly asked if the bus driver had been given an award for what he had done.

"Great job, @blrcitytraffic By looking at the driver's expression, he be like, 'I was expecting a bigger award'" wrote one user. "Ha Ha! It's more like handing over the key at the time of first sale of a new model vehicle," said another.

A third commented, "Looks more like the driver accepting the reward," while a fourth added, “Looks like Amitabh Bachchan giving a rewarding cheque to winner".